Kizuna Baby

Kizuna Baby is a program in which trained volunteers regularly visit and massage babies living in institutions in their own communities to foster the children’s health, well-being and development. The program was launched in Japan in 2010. More than thirty baby massage volunteers and three institutions currently participate in the program. The three institutions are in Tokyo. Kizuna Baby also provides free baby massage classes to the staff of institutions and to biological, foster and adoptive parents of institutionalized children.

‘Kizuna’ is the Japanese word for ‘bond’ and refers to the bond between babies and their parents or other caregivers which is deepened by nurturing touch and which is so crucial to children's well-being and optimal development.

Baby Massage Workshop for the Volunteer Program

Maximum number of participants: 15
Application deadline: June 22 (Sat)
Please send application to [email protected] with the following information:
full name, telephone number (mobile number preferable), and purpose for enrolling in the workshop. Details will be sent after applications are received.